Minimalism equals Strong Mind


As easy as it may sounds, Minimalism is not something that you could achieve at the snap of your fingers. Frankly speaking, I never prepared myself because I was unaware that I am going to adopt that lifestyle. With my brief experience in the practice, I would clearly state that it is not something for the weak hearted. Once you are making the decision to be a minimalist, never again would you be able to buy the latest flashy cell phone or that dream car you always wanted. But it does not mean that you will have to live without any amenities that is required while being a part of a society.

The art of being a minimalist is asking yourself certain questions regarding your needs and your ‘real’ needs.

Let us take the example of a cell phone. What difference does it make to you if the cellphone is a brand new phone that can be stretched or bend or broken or whatever the company want us to do, or a basic model that enables you to do everything that the flashy one does, but without any ‘airs’ surrounding it?

I was a Nokia and Sony Erikkson guy and owning an iPhone was something I wanted to do. But being already adopted to the minimalistic lifestyle I was not ready to shell out more than $600 for the latest version. This was when the iPhone 5 versions were in market and I bought a refurbished iPhone 4 version for $150. Two years down the road it is still meeting my needs and I am going to take the last bit of juice out of it.

Things worked out well for me because I ask questions while shopping. While in a store it is normal that things catch your eyes. It might be a new running shoes, or a leather jacket or a paperback novel.

When you encounter something ask not twice, but ten times these questions.

1. Whether you need it?

2. Whether that thing is worth enough for the money that you spend?

3. Why should I need it?

4. Do I have space for that at home?

5. How much time would I spend using it or how often do I use it?

Why these questions are relevant, I will explain in the next post. Until then think deeply and decide whether you need a minimalistic lifestyle. As I stated above, you need courage to practice that.

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